A Clean -Pure -Sacred Place

A Clean -Pure -Sacred Place

A Clean -Pure Sacred Place

The KANATAN Village

The KANATAN Village

Concept Overview by Lewis Cardinal

The name of our nation hides within it a very special and powerful meaning for all The origin of the word or Canadians to remember and consider as a call to action. name of Canada derives from the word “kanatan” that is found in the languages of the Iroquois, the Cree, and the Algonquin speaking peoples of North America. means “it is pure -clean – sacred”, which denotes a place. “kanata” it becomes to mean, “to make pure “kanatan” When the word is shortened to -clean -sacred” it becomes an action.

By understanding the word “kanata” in this way is to see the name of our country as a verb and not a noun. From which we are reminded everyday, to seek ways in which to make In order to achieve this goal we must ensure that our We, therefore, must look first into ourselves to ensure that Kanata into Kanatan. relationships are in order. we are in balance. Then we must look out to our family, our community, our nation, the earth, the cosmos, and the spirit world with this one directive “What am I doing to make and keep relationships in good order and to make my part of the world a Clean Sacred place?” 

Pure – With the concept of “kanata” in mind and heart we seek to help those who are suffering in life to the point where they have no home and hearth and dignity to cling to. Our homeless are our brothers and sisters . our family, and we have an obligation t assist them to have a place in their life where they can stand on their own to complete their return to home -fullness, health, and dignity.

KANATAN is envisioned as a tiny house villagelocated somewhere in the Edmonton region or potentiall y anywhere in urban Canada, provid monitored, with skill development services accessibility KANATAN provides a safe community to call home while prepar ing to re-engage in our society on their terms ing a secure, The KANATAN village would comprise of accommodate a small family or an individual.


Charter of Compassion tiny house village proposal